HIPAA Compliance Audit

Assess the organization's compliance with the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules.

The Industry Standards - We Follow!

Scope of HIPAA Compliance Audit

"This scope of this HIPAA Compliance Audit will focus on reviewing the policies, procedures, and processes related to HIPAA compliance within the organization. The audit will cover the following areas :"

Privacy Rule Compliance

  • Review and assess the organization's policies and procedures related to the use and disclosure of PHI.
  • Evaluate the organization's efforts to provide individuals with their rights under the Privacy Rule (e.g., access to PHI, accounting of disclosures, etc.).

Security Rule Compliance

  • Examine the administrative, physical, and technical safeguards in place to protect electronic PHI (ePHI).
  • Review access controls, risk management, and security incident procedures.
  • Assess workforce training and awareness on security practices.

Breach Notification Rule Compliance

  • Evaluate the organization's procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to breaches of PHI.
  • Review documentation related to previous breach incidents, if any, and assess response effectiveness.

Risk Assessment

This will include evaluating risk assessment process and determining if any potential risks or vulnerabilities have been identified

Awareness Refresher Training

The HIPAA Refresher Training aims to reinforce your understanding of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its importance in safeguarding patient privacy and data security. It will include interactive discussions, case studies, and practical examples to enhance your comprehension of HIPAA requirements.


The HIPAA compliance assessment will be conducted in several phases:


Preparation Phase

  • Meetings with key stakeholders to discuss the audit objectives, scope, and timeline.
  • Obtain necessary documentation, including policies, procedures, security protocols, and previous audit reports.
  • Assign audit team members and provide appropriate training on HIPAA regulations and audit procedures.


Data Gathering

  • Conduct interviews with personnel responsible for privacy, security, and breach notification.
  • Review relevant documentation, such as policies, procedures, risk assessments, security incident reports, and training materials.
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    On-Site Assessment

  • Physically inspect the organization's premises to assess physical safeguards, access controls, and secure storage of records.
  • Evaluate the organization's IT infrastructure, including network architecture, data storage, and security measures related to PHI.
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    Risk Assessment and Analysis

    • Analyse the collected data to identify areas of non-compliance and potential risks of HIPAA violation.
    • Compare the organization's practices against HIPAA requirements and best practices.


    Reporting and Recommendations

    • Prepare a comprehensive audit report detailing findings, observations, and recommendations for remediation.
    • Present the report to the organization's management, highlighting areas of concern and proposed actions to achieve compliance.


    Follow-up and Remediation

    • Present the report to the organization's management, highlighting areas of concern and proposed actions to achieve compliance.
    • Provide guidance and support in developing or updating policies, procedures, and safeguards.

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